Administrative Staff Working Hard…
A little birdie told me about an admin who has an old-fashioned work ethic that highlights and stands out why old fashioned should be new again. She takes serious pride in her work, comes in on time, completes her work with a smile all the while greeting the clients through the door with those brilliant white teeth. Her empathetic and giving heart has been witnessed through small kind acts like a phone call letting one know a client cancelled or making a fresh pot of coffee on a blustery day. She doesn’t ask for anything special because she knows you earn your rewards. She doesn’t expect something handed to her without doing her due diligence and doing her work. That is why we are here – to work, give, and grow in a community we call MPB Group. And that my friends, is what a birdie told me…
Why A little Birdie?

My goal for writing this blog was to highlight the remarkable work of our clinical staff. The tireless commitment to excellence from mental health providers can feel unrewarding or stagnant at times. I would send these “anonymous” shout out messages to all staff when I heard of some great and outstanding growth – the little birdie told me.. was a way to communicate this to everyone in a quick and meaningful way. Shining moments should be recognized.
Then, I realized I neglected to emphasize the courage and resiliency of our wonderful clients. The work begins with them. So, I began to write about magnificent moments of insight and daring movements of change. Our clients are remarkable.
We decided to share these little messages with you all.
So, I hope you all read through this blog with the spirit of which it was intended. To shed positive thoughts into our world.