MPB Group’s Program Director; A True Leader…
A little birdie told me about the proficiencies of leadership. Examining our little flock here at the clinic, in some way, everyone is a leader if he or she possesses qualities like integrity, is an inspiration to others, can render decisions, and is creative. When a clinician decides to increase weekly therapy sessions from one to two in order to keep an eye on her self-injurious client, this clinician is a leader. Clinicians who put forth a genuine and authentic self to inspire clients, this clinician is a leader. Clinicians can develop and accomplish leadership skills because there is an absolute and steadfast role model found in our program director. One of the most undervalued and overlooked qualities of leadership is recognizing the intrinsic value of humanness in everyone. Our program director sees the beautiful potential in the person and desires to help develop, nurture, and grow the potential inner-self towards an outward shining light. If you have wanted less attention from this caring and dynamic leader, then consider and wonder if she sees the potential that is hiding behind a bush. Let go the grumblings, open your heart and mind and shine that light. Gratitude and much respect for our program director who sees us and believes in us. And that my friends, is what a birdie told me…
Why A little Birdie?

My goal for writing this blog was to highlight the remarkable work of our clinical staff. The tireless commitment to excellence from mental health providers can feel unrewarding or stagnant at times. I would send these “anonymous” shout out messages to all staff when I heard of some great and outstanding growth – the little birdie told me.. was a way to communicate this to everyone in a quick and meaningful way. Shining moments should be recognized.
Then, I realized I neglected to emphasize the courage and resiliency of our wonderful clients. The work begins with them. So, I began to write about magnificent moments of insight and daring movements of change. Our clients are remarkable.
We decided to share these little messages with you all.
So, I hope you all read through this blog with the spirit of which it was intended. To shed positive thoughts into our world.